Our reviews

(3206 Reviews)
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July 25, 2024
I tried to phone but got a message, number unavailable.

So I ordered online.

But when I got the chow mein, it was the wrong kind. I wanted Singapore style (curry type) but it wasn't specifically available online.

July 25, 2024
excellent!! even better than last time!!!

July 24, 2024
always fresh and hot, love the food here

July 23, 2024
Great Food and Great Service Always!!!

Thank you

July 22, 2024
Always great

July 21, 2024

July 20, 2024
Hot and delicious

July 18, 2024
My chow mein is always hit and miss. Tonight was a miss. No flavour and it usually comes with green onion, which is why I like it, but didn't but had one pea pod in it. Many times I want to order but hesitate because I never know if I will enjoy my order.

July 17, 2024
I just picked up my order worth $33.78 today July 17, 2024 at around 7:31pm. I have ordered from your restaurant so many times, almost 20 times since Feb 2024.

My receipt today shows that it was Coco who handed me my order. She was very RUDE. I tried to get 5 fortune cookies but she stopped me and said I could get only 3. That is not a problem with me but the way she stopped me and told me was very very rude. She allowed me to get only 3 cookies. My husband told me in the car that because of the way she treated me I better return all the 3 cookies which I did. I don't need those free cookies if that is the way I would be treated.

July 15, 2024
Always good. Friendly staff.