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Our reviews

(3206 Reviews)
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March 23, 2018
Food was excellent, as all ways, and hot. So two thumbs up!

March 20, 2018
As always Burnaby Palace is the best.

March 19, 2018
The food from Burnaby P is always good. On this occasion the egg roll was fresh, the fried dumplings were excellent and so was the Mui Shu pork. Always good.

March 17, 2018
you never disappoint us at ecomm 911.
food is always hot, fast and correct. not to mention delicious

good job!

March 16, 2018
Sweet and sour pork has been overcooked and dry the last couple of orders.

March 01, 2018
Tasty as usual.

February 28, 2018
Fantastic as always!

February 28, 2018
Fantastic as always!

February 27, 2018
Thanks it was great!

February 27, 2018
Order was delivered 5 minutes early, perfect. Delicious food, thank you!